Monday, May 18, 2009

Back Pack of my dreams

So here I am strolling down the chilly but budding streets of Montreal and I see this guy with his fantastic back pack. It must be mentioned that for a few months now I have been eyeing every worth while back pack on the backs of pedestrians yet I can't seem to eye them in the shops! What is going on? I think that maybe, I am unable to find what I want due to a blockade of my imagination through irritability and constant search! I find that sometimes (err... maybe I should say often) I can pass right over an item of clothing but when a friend points it out to me I instantly love it and wonder how I of all people skimmed right passed it. I think it is not only a creative block but perhaps I just seem to want what I don't or can't have? sounds right to me. Anyway, when I asked him where this back pack was from.....Mom's basement of course. Damn it. It is EXACTLY what I want, it's beaten up, dirty, has history and looks effortless... I love how lowkey it is. It hides, then when you notice it... I want it NOW.